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Connect Card
If this is your first time at YGBC please take time to connect with us by clicking here. We are glad you came!
Decision Card
Tell us about your prayer requests or any decisions you have made today.
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Welcome to UNHINDERED!!!
To find out more about UNHINDERED click the image above.
Sunday Bulletin
Ready to Serve Brochure
Don't Miss Out.
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Missions Wall
Check out our recently added Missions Wall at the top of the stairs leading down to the Life Group rooms! Hopefully this area will serve to give you faces to go with the names and flags. Our goal this year is to be more intentional in contacting and encouraging our missionaries, sending at least one letter to each family per month. If you are interested in corresponding with one of our missionaries, please see Jennifer Tucker or Tina McDowell. They will give you a pre-addressed, stamped envelope! You can fi
Read Through the Bible in One Year!
Unite together with YGBC to read through the Bible in one year!
Vision Sunday 2023